Saturday, March 21, 2015

Relationship Cycles - Do you seem to attract the same kind of person?

Ex or Nah?

Have you been dating someone new and suddenly realized this person seems overly familiar but in sort of a bad way?

Some of us are inclined to attract the same type of person whenever we endeavor in a new relationship.  Why is that?  Are we drawn to this familiar, charismatic charm that got us hooked the last time.  Are we secretly hoping to restore or duplicate that situation?  Why does it often seem like the same script, but a different cast?

I have a friend who is very giving and somehow always ends up with a leech.  She always attracts guys who are borderline losers but very charming and sweet at first.  They are usually in need of something or recovering from some situation involving a close friend, money, or a recently failed relationship.  My friend is always more than willing to be a comforter.   After they've reel her in, then their true colors show.  Sometimes I think its not entirely her fault, maybe its the men who seek her out in the first place.  Maybe we are sometimes victims to a grander scheme thats out of our control and we naively find ourselves in a sticky mess.

How do you feel when you realize your current partner is simply the ex with a new head tacked on?

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Will Smith: “My Marriage Has Died”

This is an interesting article on Will Smith and Jada's marriage of 18 years.

"This isn’t the first time the couple has had to defend their marriage from rumors.  In 2013, Jada responded to rumors about her and Will having an open relationship:
“Will and I BOTH can do WHATEVER we want, because we TRUST each other to do so,” she clarified. “This does NOT mean we have an open relationship…this means we have a GROWN one.”

Thursday, October 9, 2014

10 Entertaining Games to Play With Your Significant Other

10 Entertaining Games to Play with your Boo

Do you play video games or other games with your partner?  This can be fun especially if you are both very competitive.  What are the stakes?   What does the winner get??

Friday, September 5, 2014

Great Movies to Cuddle up and watch with someone special

There are new movie titles coming to Netflix and Amazon services this fall.  Many have been rolled out starting this month.

Due Sept 1sth
"A Simple Plan"
"Californication" Seasons 1-7:
"Chasing UFOs" Season 1
"Cool Runnings"
"Crocodile Dundee"
"Doomsday Preppers" Seasons 1-3

Check out the full list here and get ready to cuddle up with your boo and some hot cocoa and get some tube time in this fall.

What's new on Netflix and Amazon for September

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Mariah and Nick Done?

Wow, just read that MC and Nick are done!

This is terribly sad, MC's second marriage, and the poor kids.  I wonder how long they've been dealing with their issues, while staying for the kids.  It's sad when the cycle seems to repeat itself.  (her mom and dad separated)
It seems though, that breakups and heartache make the most amazing albums.  Perhaps we one day we will hear what happened through MC's music.  You can still hear remnants in some of her later material concerning what went down with her and Tommy Mottolla and that ended back in the 90s.  Some scars do run deep, however.

REPORT: Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon Divorce 'A Done Deal' Read more: